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GoToA Airport Run

  The 'GOTOA Airport Run' advertising service is designed to find and post transport offers to UK airports. Offers can be made by both drivers and passengers. Drivers can advertise their "empty" transports to (or from) airports, so that they can arrange round trip with passengers. Passengers, on the other hand, can receive a competitive price because the drivers will carry out the transport independently of their order.

  Logging in and adding advertisements to the portal is free. However, obtaining contact details in response to an interesting offer involves a subscription.

  DISCLAIMER: The advertising service "GOTOA Airport Run" only enables you to make and find suitable offers. This Portal does not participate in the process of booking transports, does not charge for transports and does not take responsibility for transport services provided. All arrangements and transactions take place outside the Portal between passengers and drivers.

  The advertising service "GOTOA Airport Run", on the other hand, will make every effort to ensure that transport offers are made only by licensed taxi drivers - operators who have the appropriate authorisations to provide these services.

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